The Gadget: The T-Mobile Blast, a medium-to-low-end red and black slider from Samsung.
The Verdict: Decent call quality, thin but solid build, nice red and black finish, but the half-QWERTY SureType is a bit tough to use.
The Catch:
Instead of a standard dialpad like regular phones, the Blast has a SureType two-letters-per-key typing scheme. It's a bitch to use at first, but gets slightly better after you get used to it. Whether you're willing to put in the effort is up to you.
The Performance: Calling and basic functions are there, but the menus don't look that great. It may be faster than T9 once you get used to the keyboard.
The Price: $99
The Recommendation: There aren't all that many other choices on T-Mobile, so if you're looking for a slider and you like texting (and don't mind putting some effort into learning the Suretype system), this could be the one for you. Plus, it's nice looking and thin.

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