Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Mobile phone security to outpace that on PCs

By Tony Dennis

SOME SORT of mobile security product will be installed on almost eight per cent (circa 250 million) of mobile phones by 2011, according to a report released by Juniper Research in October.

Mobile handsets out-shipped PCs by nearly five to one in 2006. They're also far more likely to be stolen or lost. Juniper's report – entitled - Mobile Data Security: Access, Content, Identity & Threat Management, 2006 to 2011 - forecasts that nearly four per cent of mobile phones will be stolen annually by 2011.

But it predicts the biggest mobile security market sector will be in the secure mobile content sector (anti-virus, anti-spam, anti-spyware and content filtering) with 40 per cent of the total market. The security threat doesn't just cover mobile viruses and malware but of identity theft, too.

Alan Goode, the report's author reckons we will see mobile security products go "mainstream by Q4 2008/Q1 2009."

Revenues from mobile data and mobile file encryption products are expected to outstrip those in the PC market by 2011. µ

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